The Longman companion to Britain in the Era of the Two World Wars, 1914-1945 /
Thorpe, Andrew
The Longman companion to Britain in the Era of the Two World Wars, 1914-1945 / by Andrew Thorpe - London Longman 1994 - 231p. 23cm - Longman companions to history .
Includes index
Great Britan--history--20th century
World war 1914-1918--Great Britain
World War1939-1945--Great Britain
The Longman companion to Britain in the Era of the Two World Wars, 1914-1945 / by Andrew Thorpe - London Longman 1994 - 231p. 23cm - Longman companions to history .
Includes index
Great Britan--history--20th century
World war 1914-1918--Great Britain
World War1939-1945--Great Britain